Your credit score can have an effect on your home insurance.

How to get home insurance if you have bad credit

Your credit score is way more than just a number. It can make a difference to a lot of things that you might not expect it to…and one of those things is your home insurance rates. Sometimes it can be hard to find home insurance if you have a bad score, and sometimes it means you’re looking at a higher rate. If you’re worried that your credit score is making it difficult to find affordable home insurance, we’ll explain why your credit score matters to your home insurance and how you can get reasonably priced home insurance with less-than-ideal credit.

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property for rent in Atlanta

6 ways to reduce the risks your HOA faces

If you’re on the board of your neighborhood’s HOA, you probably offer your members certain amenities. Maybe you have a swimming pool, tennis courts, a basketball court, a gym or rec center, a playground, or a clubhouse. These amenities are great – they attract homeowners to your neighborhood. Since the cost is shared between the members of the HOA, it allows homeowners to enjoy these perks for a lower price than if they had to go elsewhere. It’s convenient, too, and it contributes to a community feeling since people can come together and hang out around the tennis courts, pool, and so on.

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You can get gap insurance to cover the difference between the balance on your loan and the value of your car.

What is gap insurance and do I need it for my new car?

Buying a new car is exciting. It’s easy to spend hours daydreaming about make, model, and accessories. And of course, there’s that new car smell. But there’s an important catch when you buy a new vehicle – the value depreciates the second you leave the dealer’s lot. It’s an unfortunate reality that all car owners have to face. But it’s a reality that can be managed with a type of car insurance called gap insurance.

Wondering what that is? Great – we’re going to explain what gap insurance is and whether or not you actually need it.

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Here are five group health insurance terms that are helpful to know.

What is a certificate of insurance?

The world of insurance has a lot of jargon and fancy words. It can be hard to decipher “insurance-speak” sometimes. Let’s say you’re a contractor on the phone with a potential client. Everything’s great until they ask for proof of insurance. You’ve got lots of business insurance, so you don’t anticipate a problem. You politely ask what the client would like to see as “proof.” As it turns out, they want a certificate of liability insurance.

But what exactly is a certificate of insurance? What does it do?

We’ll go over what a certificate of insurance is and how to get one.

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When you're buying a new car, you will most likely have to show the dealer proof of insurance for it before driving away.

6 things you need to know about insurance when you’re buying a car

The long-awaited day has arrived: you’re finally going to get a car. You’re ready to hit the road in your new wheels. But then you remember something that slipped through the cracks in the flurry of test drives, online research, and decisions about paint color, make, and model: you’re going to need car insurance for your new ride. Thing is, you have your heart set on going to the dealership and getting the car ASAP. But the thought of the insurance is still weighing on you.

Well, we’ve got six things you need to know about insurance when you’re buying a car so you’ll be ready to drive away from the dealership with the coverage you need.

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If you're hosting an event, you may need special event insurance.

Do I need special event insurance?

When it comes to big events – a wedding, a festival, a business event like a fundraiser – there are a lot of things to juggle. The invitations, the food, the entertainment, the guests, the decorations…the list goes on. While it’s not necessarily fun to consider the possibility of a catastrophe befalling your event, it’s important to consider the power of Murphy’s Law – anything that can go wrong will go wrong. We’re not trying to spread doom and gloom…but it’s important to be prepared. And that’s why they invented special event insurance. What’s that, you ask? Don’t worry – we’re going to go over what you need to know about special event insurance.

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If you have water damage in your home, your insurance may or may not cover it.

What kinds of water damage are covered by home insurance?

It’s every homeowner’s worst nightmare: the basement is underwater. Something has gone horribly, horribly wrong, and now you have a swimming pool inside your house. Well, you always wanted a swimming pool, but this isn’t quite what you had in mind. Anyways, now you have a question: what types of water damage are covered by home insurance?

Let’s find out what kind of water damage your home insurance protects you from.

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Improving workplace safety should be a priority for your business.

How to improve workplace safety at your business

Your employees are your business’s greatest strength. They’re the ones who make the magic happen, right? So, as an employer and business owner, you would be devastated if one of your workers got hurt on the job. It’s your legal responsibility to provide a safe workplace, which is a pretty serious job. Sure, workers’ comp insurance is great, but why not head off an accident before it happens?

Fortunately, we’ve got some tips to help you step up workplace safety at your business. Check out the following ten points.

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A car insurance myth is that car insurance for women can cost less than insurance for men.

Does car insurance for women really cost less than car insurance for men?

There are many car insurance myths that are full of bologna, but there is one that actually holds a little bit of truth (well, depending on the circumstances.) Have you ever heard that there’s a difference between the rates women pay for car insurance and the rates men pay for car insurance? Maybe you’ve wondered if that’s actually accurate. Maybe you’ve doubted that such a thing could be.

But here’s the truth of the matter:

Car insurance for women is often less expensive than car insurance for men.

There is a good amount of reasoning behind it – it’s not an arbitrary trend (because nothing in insurance is arbitrary.) And note that we say often. It’s not a rule that’s true for everyone everywhere. We’ll explain why car insurance for women might cost less than car insurance for men, and we’ll explain how you can get lower car insurance rates regardless of your gender.

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Why is auto liability insurance important

Why does my tow truck business need auto liability insurance?

There are many different types of tow truck insurance out there, and they can get a little confusing. One type of insurance that you need to know about as the owner of a towing or wrecker business is auto liability insurance. Now, you might have a few questions. What is auto liability insurance? Why does your tow truck business need it? How much does auto liability insurance cost?

Well, don’t worry – we’ll answer all of those questions.

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