start a tow truck business means leading the way with safety.

7 tips for running a successful tow truck business

Running a tow truck business is hard work. It takes a certain kind of person to succeed as a tow truck operator. You have to be extremely driven (pun intended) and very determined. Multi-tasking and juggling are key – you have to manage your employees, maintain the tow trucks, pay the bills, organize the paperwork. Needless to say, you’re a busy person. But guess what? We’ve got some tips for running a successful tow truck business.

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If you have a trampoline at home, trampoline safety is a must.

10 simple tips for trampoline safety at home

Trampolines can provide hours of entertainment. Kids love them and could probably bounce all day if you let them. For some reason, jumping up and down never gets old. But trampolines aren’t necessarily the safest activity for kids. In fact, the risk of injury (strains, sprains, broken bones, fractures, and head injuries) is so great that the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against allowing youngsters to bounce on trampolines. But if you have a trampoline or you’re going to get one, there are a few trampoline safety tips you should follow to reduce the risk of someone getting hurt.

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Builder's risk insurance

What is builder’s risk insurance?

If you’re the owner of a building that is currently being constructed, you might be a little confused or unsure about how exactly insurance works for that situation. Though the building is currently in pieces at a construction site, it still represents a lot of money. There are all the materials, for one, and then there’s the labor of the contractors to consider, too. If anything were to happen to the construction site or the building, you’d be facing a pretty significant loss. But that’s why builder’s risk insurance exists. What’s builder’s risk insurance? We’re glad you asked because we’re going to explain.

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You need to check and see how your insurance company will handle a trampoline.

Will a trampoline affect my home insurance?

There’s something about trampolines that is irresistible to kids. And it makes sense – what kid wouldn’t want to touch the sky while bouncing merrily on a spring-loaded surface? But before you give in to the kids’ puppy-dog eyes and begging, you also have to consider your home insurance and how your insurance company will react to a new trampoline.

Unlike kids, home insurance companies typically aren’t crazy about trampolines. There’s a good reason for this: bouncing, while fun, is not without risk – of the broken bone and concussion variety. The chances that someone, perhaps an innocent, unsupervised neighborhood kid, could stumble upon your trampoline and promptly proceed to crash are too high.

So, we’ll go over what you need to do where your home insurance is concerned if your kids really, really want that new trampoline.

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You can prevent back pain as a tow truck driver by adjusting your seat properly and lifting carefully.

8 tips to prevent back pain as a tow truck driver

A lot of truck drivers experience back pain – it happens because of the nature of the job. Tow truck drivers are no exception. When you sit for long stretches of time, get jolted and jostled around as you’re driving, get in and out of the cab of your truck, and lift heavy loads on a regular basis, back pain tends to happen. The back is made up of lots of muscles, vertebrae, disks, and nerves, and just a small tweak to one of these things can aggravate it. The good news is that there are a few things you can do to prevent back pain as a tow truck driver.

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The Hands-Free Georgia Act is soon to go into effect.

Hands-Free Georgia Act to go into effect on July 1st

July 1st is going to be a big day for the state of Georgia. It’s the day that the Hands-Free Georgia Act (which bans the use of handheld cellphones while driving) will go into effect. Georgia is the sixteenth state to pass a hands-free driving law. The states that have passed such legislation have done so in an attempt to reduce traffic fatalities due to distracted driving. Distracted driving has gained a lot of attention because traffic-related accidents and deaths have increased over the past few years, and cell phones have been a major factor in that trend.

While many other states have passed hands-free driving laws, the legislation is now coming to Georgia. We’ll explain which states have hands-free laws, the reasoning behind the new legislation, and break down what is and is now allowed under the Hands-Free Georgia Act.

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The police need to be alerted about car theft.

What should I do if my car is stolen?

So there you are, ready to head back to your car after running some errands. You walk back to where you’re absolutely positive you left your ride. But there’s one problem – your car is not there. It’s just…gone. The last time you checked your car is not self-driving, so you feel an awful sense of dread as you begin to suspect that your car has been stolen and you’re the victim of car theft. Your main question is…now what?

There are a few things you need to do if your car is stolen. Take a look at the following steps.

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You can improve safety at your tow truck business by implementing workplace safety policies.

5 tow truck workplace safety policies you should have at your business

The towing industry comes with its fair share of risks and dangers. As a tow truck operator, you know the road can be a scary place sometimes. However, there are ways that you can manage the risks that you and your drivers face. Having written workplace safety policies for your towing business is a great way to emphasize safety at your business and keep you and your drivers out of harm’s way.

Here are 5 workplace safety policies you can consider implementing at your business.

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If your car is stolen, you should be covered if your car is stolen.

Will car insurance cover me if my car is stolen?

There’s an important question you have to ask yourself when you’re thinking about your car insurance. What do you want your insurance to cover if something happens to your vehicle? (For example, if you’re in a car accident. If a tree falls on your car. If your car is stolen.) Chances are you’d want it to cover everything – especially theft, which is a huge loss since your car is kind of…gone. So that begs another question:  will car insurance cover you if your car is stolen?

It’s a good question. We’ll explain when car insurance covers theft and how to make sure you’re covered.

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Your tow truck insurance rates could increase at your renewal.

3 ways to prevent a major increase in your tow truck insurance renewal rate

You’re probably not the biggest fan of tow truck insurance. We get that – tow truck insurance can get complicated with all of the coverages out there. And, well, towing insurance isn’t exactly cheap. However, it’s a necessary thing. You can’t avoid your insurance renewal every year. Now, you might be dreading your renewal because your rates could go up. Or maybe you’re wondering what the big deal about your renewal is. Anyways, we’ll explain what a renewal is and give you three strategies to keep your insurance rates from skyrocketing.

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