Trucking businesses are subject to many government regulations. It can be tough to keep everything straight and decipher the law-speak of these regulations. One important thing about transportation that you should know about is operating authorities. Who needs an operating authority? How do you get operating authority? And, well, what exactly is it? We’ll answer these questions.
Whether you have just a few assets or own multiple homes, automobiles, and businesses, insurance coverage is vital. Protecting your assets, managing risks, and making sure you have the best coverage for the best price is part of our daily goal here at InsuranceHub. We enjoy getting to know each of our clients and helping them identify the insurance coverages that are right for them. We can’t see the future and we don’t know when disaster will strike, so it’s essential to be prepared for anything.
We understand that you need a policy that’s crafted to protect you from your specific risks, not just a one-size-fits-all plan. You’re one of a kind, so your insurance policy should be, too! Our goal is to not only make insurance easy but also to become a trusted advisor and partner to each and every client. We can help you pinpoint all of the risks that you face, and we can help you get the coverage you need to be protected from them.
Does home insurance cover storm damage?
Storms can be very scary – the force and wrath of Mother Nature is not to be trifled with. If you have to weather a storm, you might be wondering how you can put your home back to rights. How can home insurance help with storm damage? We’re going to go over some of the ways that your insurance can help you out when it comes to getting your home back to normal.
Does car insurance cover a hit and run?
Thunk. Even if the jolt and the sudden lurch forward wasn’t enough to alert you to the fact that you’ve been rear-ended, the unmistakable sound would. You take a deep breath to steady your nerves, taking inventory. You feel okay. You put your hazards on and move to the side of the road, pulling over to a safe place. You expect the other driver to slow and stop behind you, but instead, they take off. You stare in disbelief as the other car speeds away. What? For real? Through your understandable frustration, you’ve got this question – does car insurance cover a hit and run? We’ll explain.
Does transportation insurance cover my truck?
If you’re a trucker, you rely on your vehicles. With many, many miles to log on the road, you could find yourself in a real situation if something happened to your truck. For example, what if you’re in an accident? What if your truck is caught in a fire? There are a lot of different things that could go wrong. So – knowing how reliant you are on your truck, your question is this: does transportation insurance cover my truck? We’ll explain.
7 tips for tow business finances
If you’re running a tow truck business, you’ve got a lot to think about. Business is the operative word of the phrase “tow truck business” after all. And a major part of running a business is having organized finances. Maybe this isn’t the favorite part of your job – numbers, dollars signs, all that. Frankly, math and numbers aren’t a lot of people’s favorite thing. But we’ve got some tow business finance tips for you to hopefully make things easier.
7 tow business marketing mistakes to avoid
Creating a marketing strategy for any business can be tough. However, when you’re in the fast-paced world of towing, the business can be full of specific marketing pitfalls. Juggling advertising budgets and plans can be a stressful thought to add to the daily operations of managing dispatch, drivers’ jobs, customers, and more. So, maybe you’re not sure where to start marketing your towing company, but here are some tow business marketing mistakes to avoid.
How to get business insurance
If you’ve got a business, you know that you need to get business insurance to protect it. Anything can happen – we don’t know what’s going to happen in five minutes, let alone tomorrow. Being prepared is essential. That’s where business insurance comes in. But you might be wondering how to get business insurance in the first place. How does that work? What if you want to get multiple quotes for business insurance? Well, we can help explain.
Test your insurance IQ with these 12 home insurance words
When to insurance, it can feel like an agent is speaking a second language when they’re talking to you about policies and quotes and whatnot. There’s a lot of jargon that you need to deal with, and there are a lot of big words that maybe no one ever took the time to explain. It’s important that you know what these words mean. We’ve put together a list of twelve common home insurance words that you should know about.
How a trucking agent can help you get the right trucking insurance
A question that comes up a lot in the trucking world is how much insurance is enough. Insurance is expensive. That is why many truckers are tempted to get only the minimum amount of trucking insurance required by law. They want to pay the lowest price possible, and that’s understandable. However, are those minimums really enough?
10 business insurance words you need to know
The world of business insurance can get complicated, especially with all the fancy words that get thrown around. Some of these words are just not self-explanatory, and they might make you feel like someone’s speaking gibberish to you. Maybe you find yourself smiling and nodding when you’re on the phone with your agent, or when you’re researching business insurance. There’s a lot to know – so we’ve put together a little cheat sheet with ten business insurance words you should know.