If your employees drive their own cars for your business, you may want to consider hired and non-owned auto.

Does your business need hired and non-owned auto insurance?

If you have a small business, your employees might have to use their own personal cars in the course of their jobs. They might meet with clients, pick up supplies, run errands for your business, or attend conferences. Even though your employee is driving their own car with their own auto policy, they’re only driving because they’re conducting business for you. If you have commercial auto insurance, you might think you’re covered.

But there’s a catch – commercial auto policies only protect you when employees are driving a work-owned vehicle for company business. It doesn’t apply to an employee’s personal vehicle. This is where another kind of auto insurance – hired and non-owned auto coverage – comes in to protect your business if you’re found to be at all accountable. Let’s take a look at hired and non-owned auto insurance.

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Stay safe while trick-or-treating this Halloween.

How to keep your kids safe while trick-or-treating this Halloween

There’s a certain magic to trick-or-treating. Kids love dressing up in costume and getting yummy candies from neighbors. Halloween is up there on their list of favorite things, for sure. But trick-or-treating, while super fun, isn’t without its risks. If your kids are going trick-or-treating this year, you need to lay down some ground rules for the Halloween fun. We’ve got some tips to help you keep your kids safe this Halloween.

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Ransomware is a major cyber threat.

How to protect your business from the danger of ransomware

It’s a normal Thursday morning. You unlock your business, preparing to open for the day. You turn on the lights, set down your stuff, and log in to your computer.

Or try to.

Your computer screen is frozen on a very scary-looking screen that says that your computer has been locked and that you have to pay a lot of money to get it back. You try everything you can think of, but the screen stays put very stubbornly. You’re super locked out…and super panicked. You need your computer to run your business! With a sick feeling in your gut, you stare at the screen, wondering how in the world you’re going to get out of this one.

So, what happened? Ransomware happened. We’ll explain what ransomware is and how to avoid falling victim to it.

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Help your child choose a safe costume this Halloween.

How to choose a safe costume for your child this Halloween

When you’re a kid, there’s nothing quite as exciting as making the decision of what to be for Halloween. As a parent, you love to see your kids’ faces light up when they get their costume and talk about what they’re going to be. But it’s also important to make sure that your child’s costume is safe for them to go parading around the neighborhood trick-or-treating. You know how to child-proof a home, but what about a costume? A Halloween costume is a big decision, and it’s exciting to see everything come together. And we’ve got some tips to make sure that your kid’s costume is super safe.

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Spear phishing is a very tricky online scam.

What’s spear phishing and why doesn’t it have anything to do with fish?

It’s no question that hackers nowadays have gotten exceedingly clever – almost unfairly so. It’s important to protect your business from online scams, and one of the biggest threats is a scam called phishing – and no, it doesn’t have anything to do with fish. The name is disappointingly misleading. Anyways, phishing is when a hacker or scammer impersonates a trusted institution, like a bank, to trick targets into giving away personal information. But there’s a whole other level of phishing. And that’s called spear phishing (again, not quite sure where they got the name.) Spear phishing is even more nefarious than regular phishing because it’s harder to detect. We’ll go over what spear phishing is and how to avoid it.

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Do you have a fire escape plan for your family?

Do you have a family fire escape plan at home?

According to the Red Cross, it can take as little as two minutes for a home to be engulfed in flames. It’s terrifying to think of how swift and devastating a house fire can be – one reason why you need to make sure you have enough home insurance. When a fire hits, the most important thing is the safety of you and your family. That’s why you and your loved ones need to be prepared – when a fire starts, time is precious. Everyone needs to know what to do when the smoke detector goes off or they smell smoke. For everyone to get out of the house and to safety as quickly as possible, you need to have a family fire escape plan. We’ve got a few tips to help you put together your fire escape plan and keep your family safe.

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Make sure your employees know how to recognize scams when they see one.

6 different online scams that your business needs to be aware of

Nowadays, many businesses would feel powerless without their computers. We depend on our technology to help us run our lives, and businesses are no exception – which is why it’s important to learn how to manage your IT risk. Technology is great, but it’s also a weak spot for businesses because computers can be targeted by hackers. The reality is that even though our machines seem nice and secure, locked away in our office building or store, they’re actually very susceptible to attack. In the hands of a hacker, computers are like putty. And, to be honest, so are humans. We’re not as smart as we like to think we are sometimes. And that’s why it’s so important to go over a few different online scams that could hurt your business, which is exactly what we’re going to do in this article.

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When you get a rental car, they may offer you lots of different coverages.

Do I need to get rental car insurance from the agency?

Renting a car is stressful enough. When you walk up to the counter to get a car, possibly after a long day of traveling or being stranded waiting for a tow truck, you’re already at wit’s end. Then you get bombarded with the questions about insurance. The rental car agency person looks at you expectantly as you blink at them and wait for your brain to play catch up.

There are a lot of different options the smiling person behind the counter offers you, and they all sound like coverages that you need for a reasonable cost. But before you answer yes, it’s important that you take a minute to consider your own auto insurance. The coverage that you have on your auto insurance can greatly impact the answer you give them, as can your home insurance and even health insurance.

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Hiring is a risky time for employers.

How to avoid employment practices liability when you’re hiring

Hiring can be an ordeal. First, you have to figure out what exactly you need. Then you have to come up with the job description and application. Then there’s interviewing all of the eager applicants who want to wow you. Then there’s the selection process, and on-boarding, and training…Eeesh. The last thing you need to come from all of that hard work is someone bringing a lawsuit against your business for discrimination. Hiring is one of the most eggshell-walking times for employers because of the risk of unintentional discrimination that could result in hefty employment practices lawsuits. We’ve put together some tips for you to make sure that you’re going by the book when you’re hiring so you can avoid employment practices risks.

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How do you insure a vacation home?

The fundamentals of insuring your dream vacation home

If you have a second home of some sort, whether it’s a house or vacation home, you might be wondering how to go about insuring it. You know the drill with insuring a primary residence, but what about a home that you’re not planning on living at full-time? Well, you’re right to wonder – insuring a second home will look different than insuring your first and primary home. We’ll go over the coverages you might need for your vacation home.

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