If you’re going to be away from home for a while, you might be considering renting out your house so you can earn some extra cash. You may as well let your house earn its keep, right? It’s not like you’re going to be using it anyway. Renting your home, though it may seem like a great idea, opens you up to liability. Here are ten things to keep in mind if you’re going to rent your home.
Whether you have just a few assets or own multiple homes, automobiles, and businesses, insurance coverage is vital. Protecting your assets, managing risks, and making sure you have the best coverage for the best price is part of our daily goal here at InsuranceHub. We enjoy getting to know each of our clients and helping them identify the insurance coverages that are right for them. We can’t see the future and we don’t know when disaster will strike, so it’s essential to be prepared for anything.
We understand that you need a policy that’s crafted to protect you from your specific risks, not just a one-size-fits-all plan. You’re one of a kind, so your insurance policy should be, too! Our goal is to not only make insurance easy but also to become a trusted advisor and partner to each and every client. We can help you pinpoint all of the risks that you face, and we can help you get the coverage you need to be protected from them.
What is the multi-car discount?
If you’re like a lot of people, you’ll take any opportunity to save on car insurance. Which is perfectly sensible – car insurance can be pricey! Any opportunity to save money on your auto insurance is definitely worth considering. Since choosing the cheapest car insurance might not be the best way to go and you might want to get higher than the state minimum levels of car insurance, your bill might be higher than you’d like. The good news is that there are lots of car insurance discounts you can consider to help you along with that quest. One such discount is the multi-car discount. We’ll explain what that is and when you can get it.
5 risks that auto repair shops face
If you have an auto body shop or an auto repair shop, there are plenty of risks that you need to be aware of. Knowing about the risks you face is the first step to managing those risks and preventing them from threatening your business’s financial well-being. It’s not that we’re trying to spread “doom and gloom” or make you paranoid – we want you to be prepared. So, we’re going to go over 5 risks that your auto shops or garage faces – and present an auto repair shop insurance solution for each.
How to insure your engagement ring
If you just got engaged, congratulations! It’s a very exciting time. You’ve got a wedding to plan, guests to invite, a venue to choose, and about a million other things to do. But already you’re worried that something might happen to the ring – the sparkly, gorgeous, beautiful ring now attached to your left hand. It’s so shiny and it means so much to you; you’d be heartbroken if anything happened to it. That’s why you’re wondering how to insure your engagement ring. Here’s what you need to know about getting engagement ring insurance.
10 things you need to know about car insurance
When it comes to handling anything car insurance related, you might be tempted to back away slowly with no sudden movements – car insurance follows the same logic as snakes, right? It’s an understandable reaction. Auto insurance can get, well, complicated, and there are plenty of things to remember. We’ll go over ten things that you need to know about car insurance – without making it complicated.
4 flatbed truck insurance coverages to consider
If you have flatbed trucks, you spend a lot of hours on the road – and let’s face it, the road isn’t always the safest workplace. Whether you’ve got a couple of trucks or you manage a fleet, it’s important to make sure that your trucks are protected by the right flatbed truck insurance. But that begs the question – what insurance do you need for a flatbed truck? We’re going to go over four coverages you can consider for your business.
What happens if my garage burns down with my car in it?
When a fire breaks out, it’s not exactly going to ask where it should go or what it should and should not eat. But what if your car is in your garage when the fire starts and it consumes your beloved, four-wheeled friend? How does that work? Would your home insurance cover it? We’ll explain what coverage you need to make sure that your car is covered in the event that a house fire destroys it.
7 pro tips for getting car insurance coverage
If you’re getting car insurance, you’re probably wondering what the best way to go about that is. What do you need to know about car insurance? What are some of the tips and tricks you need to know? Auto insurance might seem like a complicated thing, so to help you when you’re getting car insurance we’ve put together seven tips to keep in mind when you’re on a quest for a car insurance policy. (Don’t worry – we’re going to break it down into bite-sized pieces.)
5 ways to avoid general liability insurance claims at your auto repair shop
If you have an auto repair shop or an auto body shop, you’re in the line of fire of plenty of risks every day. Sure, your auto repair shop insurance can help you out of a tight spot if you have a general liability claim, but it’s probably a better idea to just avoid that claim in the first place. We’ve got 5 tips to help you avoid general liability insurance claims. And, you know, lawsuits. Because lawsuits are no fun.
What is an HO-5 home insurance policy?
If you’re looking for home insurance, you might have discovered that there are quite a few different types of policy out there. The HO-3 home insurance policy is your standard, typical policy – it’s the most common one in the United States. However, there’s another type of policy, the HO-5, that differs slightly from the HO-3 and can offer more extensive coverage. We’ll explain the difference between these two policies so you can decide which might be right for you.