Severity weight

How does a violation’s severity weight get calculated?

The trucking world can be complicated, particularly when it comes to violations and what they mean. There are a lot of terms that come up, and that can be frustrating. So, we’ll take the opportunity to explain a bit of how violations work. What’s a severity weight, and how is that determined? Why does it matter? And where can you, as a trucking business, find out more? Here goes.

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Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC

What is the Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC?

There are a lot of regulations that truck drivers and motor carriers need to know about. There are these things called the BASICs, and there’s one category in particular called the Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC that you might be wondering about. We get that all of these things can be overwhelming and intense, so we’re going to break down the Controlled Substances/Alcohol BASIC. We’ll go over what it is, what can hurt you in that BASIC, and how you can improve. We’ve got some ground to cover, so we’ll get started!

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CDL test

7 things to know about the CDL test

If you’re preparing to take the CDL test, there are a few things you should know. The CDL test is a big deal because driving a CMV and being a CDL-holder means you’re being held to a high standard. (And therefore the CDL test also holds applicants to high standards.) Serious violations can jeopardize the driver’s maintaining of their CDL. Here’s some helpful information to keep in mind if you’re preparing for the CDL test.

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Trucking biennial update

4 FAQs about the biennial update of truck business info

If you have a trucking business, you know that the FMCSA and the DOT are important. Those are the major agencies trucking businesses have to contend with. Now, there’s something called the biennial update. You might wonder how that whole process works. We like answering questions and going over trucking matters, so we’ve put together a list of FAQs about the biennial update for trucking businesses.

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What is the trucking ISS?

The trucking world is full of numbers and ratings and safety information that you as a motor carrier need to know about. It can be quite the job to keep it all straight and to understand what it all means. The ISS, or Inspection Selection System, is something you might be wondering about. The FMCSA has a lot of different programs with a lot of different letters. We don’t blame you at all if you find it overwhelming. Anyways, here’s some helpful information about the ISS.

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How to get a CDL

How to get a CDL

If you’re planning on getting your CDL, congratulations! That’s great. Trucking is a great industry to be involved in. The process to get a CDL involves a lot of study and practice. So, you might be wondering how to get your CDL so you can get your start in the trucking world. Here’s a brief look at how to get a commercial drivers license.

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FMCSA programs

Programs the FMCSA runs

If you are in the trucking world, you know the acronym FMCSA, which, of course, stands for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. They handle a lot of things and oversee many transportation-related issues. A lot of people may not realize exactly what the FMCSA does. And that’s why we’ll go over the various programs that they run. It can help to understand the many different programs they oversee, just so you know what they do.

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