How to create a towing website

In the fast-paced world of towing, it can be difficult to find time to slow down and create a website that really reflects your brand. However, in the modern era, you’ll need this type of professional digital footprint to bring in business. So, here are 9 easy tips on how to create a towing website that accurately and professionally advertises your towing business.

How to create a towing website.

1. Use the proper tools.

These days, you don’t have to be a website-building guru to build a professional-looking website. Sure, there are developers and coding tools out there that you can use to customize certain aspects. However, tools like Wordpress and Wix have ready-made templates that are easy to customize for your company’s unique brand. They also have tools for the backend of your website to make sure that Google, and therefore other customers, find your website easily.

2. Learn the lingo.

Learning some of the basic lingo can help you better understand how the internet uses the information to reach the audience you want. To begin, you’ll need to know these four most basic and useful terms for building a website:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization): Using the best aspects for Google and other search engines to find your website and display it near the top of its search results.
  • Keyword: Words or phrases that tell search engines what your website is about.
  • Plugin/Widget: Tools used in the back end of your website to make the public-facing side of your site appear or function differently.
  • Header tag: A website format that titles and categorizes content on your website. This can help Google more quickly pick out the most important parts of your site.

3. Know your audience.

Depending on the type of contracts you’re looking for, each client will look for different types of information. An auto body shop will look for different requirements in a towing operation than a government entity. A cash client looking for roadside assistance is looking for something different than an insurance company’s motor club. So, it’s important to know what types of clients you’re trying to attract to your towing website and make the information they need easy to find.

4. Make your brand memorable.

Now that you know who you’re creating your website for, you’ll want to make sure those types of clients remember you. If you’ve already built a brand for your towing company with your reputation and other advertising methods, make sure that that brand is also represented professionally and consistently throughout your website. Use things like color patterns and fonts to properly portray your business while not making anything too overwhelming to look through.

Your towing website is the place to tell potential clients exactly how your tow truck company stands out. If your operators have decades of experience, if your business has been awarded by an association, if you have the lowest rates for your area, or if you’re available for a tow 24/7, make sure your customers know it so that they know they can trust you.

It's important to have a towing website for your business.

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5. Be easily reachable from your website

In important situations, nothing can be more annoying than not knowing how to get a hold of someone. So, make sure that your clients can easily get in touch with you in their emergency situations. List your number and email clearly and often throughout your site (where it fits). You may even want to include a widget for calling, emailing, or LiveChatting so that you’re only a quick click away.

6. Use keywords properly.

It’s not enough to slap a few keywords like “towing” and “recovery” on your website anymore. Search engines have gotten smarter over the years. So, they can now read your site for its intent. This means you’ll have to use varied and specific words to describe exactly what services your business offers. This can help your business rank higher on search results that your particular clients are searching for.

Using vague keywords and locations can create a lot of competition to have your business seen. For example, there are tons of towing companies that may list their services simply as “towing in Chicago.” By using these general keywords, you’ll be competing against much larger companies and hundreds of businesses for the same types of customer. However, using specific terms like “roadside assistance in Elmhurst” offer less competition from fewer businesses and can let people near your specific location see your company and call you first for that specific service.

If you have trouble thinking of different keywords that relate to your business, try searching for the broader keyword. Then, look at the bottom of Google search results and make note of the suggested keywords for that search.

Additionally, there are tons of easy tools inside and outside of website building sites like Wordpress and Wix that can give you an idea of how a search engine will read your towing website. Just search SEO optimizer or SEO to find tons of great tools.

7. Make your site easy to read.

With all of the information available now, people rarely take the time to read long pages of content. So, it’s important to summarize the information on your website to make it skimmable. Go in-depth for certain topics, but make sure your main points are clear by using bulleted lists, numbered lists, header tags, and subheaders. The divisions will help people find what they need at a glance, organize your website’s content, and allow those who want more information on a topic to quickly find more details.

8. Check your website’s speed.

Additionally, people can be impatient. So, if you have a bunch of large pictures or widgets that take up your site’s memory, it will be too slow for anyone to even consider your company. Every so often, check your website’s speed with an online tool that allows you to input your site’s URL and shows you the amount of time it takes for your page to load.

9. Make your website mobile-friendly.

Even if your desired clients aren’t stuck on the side of the road, a lot of people access the web on their phones. So, your towing website must be easy to navigate on the go. Again, there are tons of plugins available that can automatically format your website depending on a user’s device. They can also give you previews of what your site will look like on a desktop versus a tablet versus a mobile phone.

Make sure that the text on your website is large enough to read easily on a small screen. Additionally, create buttons and links that are big enough on mobile versions of your website to select with a thumb, not a small mouse pointer.

Creating a website may seem intimidating, but it can be one of the easiest ways to market and grow your tow trucking company. A professional-looking website can be a great way to show your clients that they’re working with an experienced, trustworthy brand. Another way to show your clients that you’re trustworthy is to get the right tow truck insurance to cover your trucks and their cars.

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our agents are here to get you quotes on the type of towing insurance you can depend on. With our years of experience, we can help you get great rates on quality coverage while you focus on the business that you do best. So, make sure you’re getting the best rates and coverage for your tow trucks by calling our insurance professionals, filling out our online form, or LiveChatting with an agent today!