Prepare your home for winter

Get your home ready for winter

If you’re a homeowner, you probably dread anything happening to your house. (Houses are expensive!) The problem is that winter and its sometimes extremely cold weather can be hard on your house. It’s important to take steps to protect your house from the elements – snow, ice, sleet, and freezing temperatures are no joke! Anyways, there are a few things you can do to protect your home from winter.

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New venture

New venture doesn’t mean new driver

I have been writing transportation insurance for quite a while and one of the things that I hear most from my customers is, “Why is the premium so high when I am not a new driver?” Great question. There isn’t a clear answer though. You will find that the world of trucking insurance can feel cruel toward you and your business, whether you are starting out or have had a trucking business in the past and are now returning. Sometimes life happens and we must move with it. Tough decisions need to be made.

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Belongings stolen from car

What happens if my belongings are stolen out of my car?

If you walk out to your car to find a smashed window, you’re probably understandably frustrated. Why would someone do this? And to add insult to injury, the thief stole some belongings out of the vehicle. You don’t have high hopes of seeing your property again. So, your question now is how are you going to replace those possessions? Will car insurance cover the cost of the stolen item? Let’s take a look at this unfortunate scenario.

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Air conditioning contractors

What air conditioning contractors need to know about risk

Air conditioning contractors handle many different kinds of work. You might install or repair AC units, or maybe you do duct work and vent work. You might work with air filtration and ventilation, or perhaps you also work with heating units. Maybe you do all of the above! At any rate, you’ve got your fair share of risk that you need to be protected from. The first step of combatting and mitigating risk is understanding where that risk comes from, so we’re going to go over where you should be on the lookout from risk.

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how much does it cost to tow a car

10 things tow truck drivers want their customers to know

Tow truck drivers have a tough time – not just because of the dangers of assisting others, but because of the lack of widespread knowledge about their trade. Therefore, we took to Reddit to ask the towing community what they want customers to know. We’ve gathered 10 of the most important tips that tow truck drivers want customers to know for their tow to go speedily, safely, and smoothly.

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Understanding the CSA in trucking

If you’re a trucking business, you know that there are a lot of regulations you need to follow – and a lot of organizations and programs you need to know about. Safety is a big deal, and there are many oversights and organizations that oversee safety for motor carriers and commercial vehicles. If you feel that all of this is overwhelming, don’t worry – you’re not alone. One organization that you might be wondering about is the CSA. We’re put together a few frequently asked questions about the CSA to help break it down.

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Here are a few auto insurance FAQs.

10 auto insurance FAQs

If you’ve got a driver’s license, you might just have a car to go with it. It’s kind of a peanut butter and jelly situation. But if you have a car, there’s something else you’ll need. It’s something that can protect your car and you financially in the event of an accident. You know, it’s a thing that you pay for, it comes with a policy…You guessed it, it’s car insurance. Take this chance to test your car insurance know-how with these auto insurance FAQs.

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Used car lot risks

Managing the risks of having a used car lot

If you have a used car lot, there’s a lot going on during the day. You’ve got vehicles, you’ve got customers, you’ve got employees, maybe you’ve even got a repair shop or facility. In short, there’s a lot of moving parts (no pun intended). So, you might be wondering how you can protect your business. How can you mitigate the risks of having a used car lot? Here are a few tips for managing your risks.

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How can home insurance help in winter?

How can home insurance help during the winter?

Winter is almost here, and that means there could be a lot of snow, ice, sleet, and so on. So, with the coldest season of the year just around the corner, you might be wondering about your house. What if something happens to your home in the frigid winter months? You would probably want to get your home fixed as quickly as possible. So, you might turn to your home insurance. But what sort of losses are covered by home insurance? We’ll explore a couple different ways that home insurance could protect you this winter.

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Setting up a Google My Business page

How to set up your Google My business page

One of the easiest ways to market your business and ensure that your potential clients find their way to the right place is to set up a Google My Business Page. Of course, Google makes it super easy to set up these types of things. But there are a ton of features that could help your business stand out that you may not know about. We’ll take you step by step through the process so that you can get the most out of your Google My Business Page.

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