Okay, we get that it might seem a little early to be talking about hurricane season. There’s nothing to worry about quite yet, is there? There’s still time before the big storms hit, right? Well, sure, but the thing is that it’s important to give yourself time to get your insurance situation sorted out. Here are five things to know about hurricane season and home insurance – we’ll explain why it’s never too early to prep your insurance for hurricane season.
homeowner’s insurance
Homeowner’s insurance is extremely important in protecting your home from damages or other losses. It is essential to have in case of a disaster, robbery, or other instance. However, there may be things in your policy that are not covered that you are unaware of.
In this article, we will discuss what items or events may not be covered under your homeowner’s insurance policy. No home should be without insurance. Therefore, knowing what to look for in your policy can help you get the best possible coverage without any surprises down the line. To get more information on the subject, reach out to so that we can assist you in picking the best insurance coverage.
Does home insurance cover asteroids, meteors, and falling satellites?
So, here’s a great hypothetical for you: what happens if a meteor hits your house? What about an asteroid? Or what about a satellite that makes the life-changing decision that its true fate is no longer to be in space but to crash-land down to earth? Because, you know, stuff that’s meant to be in space (asteroids, meteors, and satellites, for example) don’t always stay in space. Sometimes they decide to, you know, relocate to earth. On top of your house. Because clearly, that’s a great place for it to be. Anyways – back to the question at hand: does home insurance cover a meteor, asteroid, or satellite if it crashes through your roof? Let’s explore that.
7 questions to ask when you get home insurance
When you get home insurance, it’s important to ask the right questions. But what are the right questions to ask? How can you know what questions to ask if no one ever told you? They don’t exactly teach Insurance 101 in school. To help you figure out what you should be asking the insurance agent helping you with your policy, we’ve come up with a list of seven questions.
7 reasons to read your home insurance policy all the way through
Okay, okay, we get it: insurance might not be your favorite thing in the world to think about. And it’s probably not your favorite thing to read about either. In other words, when you got your (very lengthy) home insurance policy, you kind of squinted at it and then stuffed it in a drawer somewhere.
We get it. That thing is intense.
What does mobile home insurance cover?
It’s time to get mobile home insurance – hooray! (Okay, we understand that your hooray may be less than enthusiastic. Insurance isn’t a favorite thing for a lot of people.) Anyways, you need customized insurance for mobile home – a home insurance policy might not cover the risks you face. We’ll go over the basics of mobile home insurance.
10 tips if you’re renting out your home
If you’re going to be away from home for a while, you might be considering renting out your house so you can earn some extra cash. You may as well let your house earn its keep, right? It’s not like you’re going to be using it anyway. Renting your home, though it may seem like a great idea, opens you up to liability. Here are ten things to keep in mind if you’re going to rent your home.
How to insure your engagement ring
If you just got engaged, congratulations! It’s a very exciting time. You’ve got a wedding to plan, guests to invite, a venue to choose, and about a million other things to do. But already you’re worried that something might happen to the ring – the sparkly, gorgeous, beautiful ring now attached to your left hand. It’s so shiny and it means so much to you; you’d be heartbroken if anything happened to it. That’s why you’re wondering how to insure your engagement ring. Here’s what you need to know about getting engagement ring insurance.
What happens if my garage burns down with my car in it?
When a fire breaks out, it’s not exactly going to ask where it should go or what it should and should not eat. But what if your car is in your garage when the fire starts and it consumes your beloved, four-wheeled friend? How does that work? Would your home insurance cover it? We’ll explain what coverage you need to make sure that your car is covered in the event that a house fire destroys it.
What is an HO-5 home insurance policy?
If you’re looking for home insurance, you might have discovered that there are quite a few different types of policy out there. The HO-3 home insurance policy is your standard, typical policy – it’s the most common one in the United States. However, there’s another type of policy, the HO-5, that differs slightly from the HO-3 and can offer more extensive coverage. We’ll explain the difference between these two policies so you can decide which might be right for you.
6 things insurance agents want you to know about home insurance
Home insurance is a bit of a beast. Getting a homeowners insurance policy might seem really daunting. To help you with either getting home insurance or just making heads or tails of a few of the finer points, we’ve put together this list of six things insurance agents want people to know about home insurance.