Does Insurance Cover Vandalism to My Car?

Car insurance is an essential coverage to have. In fact, it’s illegal to drive your car without having insurance in many states. Car insurance will cover the physical damage to a car or the medical bills from injuries. However, not all policies will cover vandalism to your car.

This article will cover what car insurance policy you would need if you wanted protection from vandalism.

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Top 5 Common Insurance Mistakes

In today’s world, it’s impossible to go without insurance and live a stress-free life. Insurance is a safety net that keeps you from experiencing financial burden due to insurance claims. It can protect you from liability suits, natural disasters, or any unforeseen circumstances. However, it can be complicated and there are some common insurance mistakes that a lot of people make.

Unfortunately, a majority of these people don’t find out they’ve made a mistake until it’s too late. You don’t want to be stuck paying too much for insurance or not having the proper coverage.

Here’s a list of the top 5 insurance mistakes people are making.

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Does the Type of Car I Drive Affect My Auto Insurance Premium?

Certain factors will determine the costs of your auto insurance premium. The factors you can control include how much coverage you buy, the state you live in, and most importantly, the type of car you have. Keep in mind, if you have poor credit this can increase your insurance rates, regardless of where you live.

Before we get into the details on how the type of car you drive affects your auto insurance premium, let’s go through some of the least and most expensive cars to insure, along with their annual premiums.

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Consider your car insurance this National Insurance Awareness Day.

What Do I Do if I Can’t Get Car Insurance?

Getting auto insurance is perhaps easier said than done. You might be trying to get car insurance but you keep running into speed bumps along the way. So, after all the dead ends, this is the question on your mind: What do I do if I can’t get car insurance? You need car insurance to be able to drive your vehicle, but you might be at a loss on how to actually get it.

Well, we’ve got some good news for you.

We’ll explain why you might be having issues locating a good car insurance policy and where you can go to get affordable rates.

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Call your insurance company to tell them about the car accident.

Will My Insurance Cover the Damages to My Car if I’m in an Accident?

We are in the middle of the ideal season for road trips with friends and family. But unfortunately, this is also the time when road accidents occur at an alarmingly increasing rate. Millions of car crashes happen around this time of the year in the U.S alone. The damage one can suffer to their car is downright overwhelming. This is why people say it never hurts to be prepared for everything in advance, even a crash. Undoubtedly the first question one may ask is, will my insurance cover the damages to my car if I’m in an accident?

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Tax Benefits of Registering an Exotic Car in Montana

Tax Benefits of Registering an Exotic Car in Montana

When most people hear the word exotic, they think of beaches, the food at an upscale restaurant, or a tropical vacation. The automobile industry also uses this term to describe highly unique cars with features typical cars do not have. Below we outline two considerations exotic car enthusiasts use when determining if a car truly meets that definition.

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Driving around trucks

10 things you need to know about driving around trucks

If you’re on the highway or even cruising down city streets, you’re going to have to share the road with big trucks and buses. Being in a passenger vehicle, even a hefty SUV, you might feel a bit nervous when you’re in close proximity to a semi-truck, particularly if you’re traveling at highway speeds or you’re close to one that’s making a turn. That truck is a LOT bigger and heavier than your car. There are a few things you can do to be cautious while driving around trucks, the first of which is to be aware of the truck’s blind spots, long stopping distance, and limited maneuverability. Here are some tips for sharing the road with trucks.

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Buying a car

7 tips for buying a car

The moment you’ve been dreaming about has arrived. It’s time to buy a new set of wheels! You’re pretty excited to get your new ride, whether it’s a used car or a brand new vehicle. It’s going to be a great day, no matter if this is the first car you’re buying or not. So, though your plans are about to come to fruition, you’re still not quite sure where you want to start. There are a lot of steps involved, after all! Here are a few tips to help you out with your buying a car mission.

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Here are a few auto insurance FAQs.

10 auto insurance FAQs

If you’ve got a driver’s license, you might just have a car to go with it. It’s kind of a peanut butter and jelly situation. But if you have a car, there’s something else you’ll need. It’s something that can protect your car and you financially in the event of an accident. You know, it’s a thing that you pay for, it comes with a policy…You guessed it, it’s car insurance. Take this chance to test your car insurance know-how with these auto insurance FAQs.

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Safe driving can help you save money on your car insurance rates.

4 ways to save money on car insurance by driving safe

There’s a fundamental rule about car insurance that’s important to know: your driving record can affect your rates. Which can be a good thing…or a bad thing. You might have hoped that that speeding ticket or minor (it was a scratch on the other person’s car!) fender bender wouldn’t come back to haunt you, but the truth is that it definitely could. The safer a driver you are, the better your car insurance rates are likely to be. Why and how does that happen? We’ll explain.

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