You know you have to have car insurance to drive your car, and you know it’s a financial safety net in case anything happens. But there are a lot of concepts and words that you need to know. Perhaps one of the biggest insurance buzzwords you should know is deductible. What is a car insurance deductible, and how does it work? We’ll explain.
car insurance
Nobody is perfect. That is certainly the case when it comes to driving on the open road. If you are in a car accident and it is your fault, you may be wondering if your car insurance will cover the costs to repair your vehicle. The answer to the question will depend on the type of car insurance policy you have. There are several different ones and the more money you decide to invest in coverage the better off you’ll be.
There are several factors that weigh into whether or not your insurance company will cover you or not. Contact our team of professionals today so that we can pick out the best coverage for you and your situation.
Car insurance: Liability insurance vs. medical payments
When you’re shopping for car insurance, there are tons of terms and coverages that can get thrown around. Some of them are built to help you pay other drivers, but some of them are built to help you directly. Understanding which ones are which can be difficult, especially when they sound very similar. Two of these coverages in particular, bodily injury liability and medical payments insurance, can be life-savers in different ways. But understanding these coverages will take more than just a glance at their names. So, here’s what you need to know about each type of coverage.
What information does a car insurance agent need to get you a quote?
If you’re going through the process of getting car insurance quotes, you may be a little worried about what to expect. What’s going to be involved in the quoting process? Will there be a lot of fancy “insurance-speak” words thrown your way? Is getting auto insurance going to turn into a stressful thing? (Hopefully not!) We know insurance isn’t a “favorite thing” for a lot of people, but we’re here to help. To let you know what to expect when you get quotes from a car insurance agent, we’ve put together a list of 5 questions to be ready for.
Does car insurance cover hail damage?
Hail damage can come when you least expect it – literally. Hail season actually starts in the summer when, of course, everyone would love to be outside. But what happens if you leave your car out for some summer sun and these chunks of ice put a damper on your road trip? Can your car insurance help melt away your worries? Or will you have to put your driving plans on pause? Let’s find out.
Why do I need car insurance?
So, you know that you need to get auto insurance before you hit the road. You know you can’t drive without it, but the thing is that it’s pricey. Why do you even have to get car insurance? What’s the point of the lengthy list of coverages you can choose from? Why is it important to put some serious thought into insuring your car as opposed to just choosing the cheapest, bare-bones coverage you can find? These are all valid questions, and we’re going to answer them. Knowing why you need car insurance might make it easier to cough up the money for your bill.
9 tips for driving in the rain
Driving in the rain can be one of the scarier and more dangerous events for a driver. Most traffic laws and habits are developed when weather conditions are ideal, dry, and sunny. So, how can you stay safe even when the sun refuses to shine? Take a look.
How much insurance would you need in The Avengers universe?
Okay, so we’re getting pretty pumped about the premiere of the new Avengers movie, Endgame. The last Avengers movie, Infinity Wars, left off at such a cliff-hanger that we’ve been tapping our feet in impatience ever since. Anyways, we greatly enjoy the superhero antics (and squabbling) in the movies, but we noticed that there’s a lot of destruction that goes on – collateral damage if you will. We can’t help but wonder what would happen if we lived in the Avengers universe with the gaggle of superheroes – and supervillains – running around. More specifically, we’re wondering how much insurance the average person should carry if they shared a city with these guys. In case you forgot, New York City gets pretty trashed.
Am I covered if a tree falls on my car?
So, you’re ready to leave for work in the morning, and you grab your keys and your phone and hustle out the door. You step onto the porch and immediately drop everything. Apparently, your car did something to antagonize the tree next to the driveway…because that tree has decided to fall over and squash your car like a bug. Clearly, you’re going to be late to work, but you’ve got bigger worries right now: does auto insurance cover you if a tree falls on your car? Let’s explain.
4 ways to save money on car insurance by driving safe
There’s a fundamental rule about car insurance that’s important to know: your driving record can affect your rates. Which can be a good thing…or a bad thing. You might have hoped that that speeding ticket or minor (it was a scratch on the other person’s car!) fender bender wouldn’t come back to haunt you, but the truth is that it definitely could. The safer a driver you are, the better your car insurance rates are likely to be. Why and how does that happen? We’ll explain.
The ultimate guide to auto insurance coverage
Auto insurance might feel like a different language – one that, unfortunately, they don’t teach in schools. They just kind of expect you to figure things out, from the coverages to getting quotes to making a final choice as to what car insurance to get. We get that it can be overwhelming, so we’ve put together this guide to auto insurance coverage to explain what you need to know.