The police need to be alerted about car theft.

What should I do if my car is stolen?

So there you are, ready to head back to your car after running some errands. You walk back to where you’re absolutely positive you left your ride. But there’s one problem – your car is not there. It’s just…gone. The last time you checked your car is not self-driving, so you feel an awful sense of dread as you begin to suspect that your car has been stolen and you’re the victim of car theft. Your main question is…now what?

There are a few things you need to do if your car is stolen. Take a look at the following steps.

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You can get gap insurance to cover the difference between the balance on your loan and the value of your car.

What is gap insurance and do I need it for my new car?

Buying a new car is exciting. It’s easy to spend hours daydreaming about make, model, and accessories. And of course, there’s that new car smell. But there’s an important catch when you buy a new vehicle – the value depreciates the second you leave the dealer’s lot. It’s an unfortunate reality that all car owners have to face. But it’s a reality that can be managed with a type of car insurance called gap insurance.

Wondering what that is? Great – we’re going to explain what gap insurance is and whether or not you actually need it.

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A car insurance myth is that car insurance for women can cost less than insurance for men.

Does car insurance for women really cost less than car insurance for men?

There are many car insurance myths that are full of bologna, but there is one that actually holds a little bit of truth (well, depending on the circumstances.) Have you ever heard that there’s a difference between the rates women pay for car insurance and the rates men pay for car insurance? Maybe you’ve wondered if that’s actually accurate. Maybe you’ve doubted that such a thing could be.

But here’s the truth of the matter:

Car insurance for women is often less expensive than car insurance for men.

There is a good amount of reasoning behind it – it’s not an arbitrary trend (because nothing in insurance is arbitrary.) And note that we say often. It’s not a rule that’s true for everyone everywhere. We’ll explain why car insurance for women might cost less than car insurance for men, and we’ll explain how you can get lower car insurance rates regardless of your gender.

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