How can Bright from the Start reviews affect your daycare coverage?

We don’t need to tell you how large a responsibility rests on your shoulders when it comes to taking care of other people’s children. Parents trust you with their kids, so it’s absolutely vital that your daycare or childcare facility is top notch and as safe as possible. This is where Bright from the Start, the Georgia agency that oversees early childhood education and childcare facilities, comes in.

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Playground safety tips for daycares

Kids run on unbelievable stores of energy. They love to run and play outside, thus the invention of the playground. Playgrounds are supposed to be a fun way for kids to get exercise, but they also present plenty of ways for kids to get hurt. If you run a daycare that has a playground, it’s important to make sure that the structures are as safe as possible—the kids’ parents are relying on you to keep their little ones out of harm’s way, and their concerns about outdoor play time aren’t unfounded. According to, more than 200,000 children per year are taken to the ER because they got hurt on a playground. That number seems really big and scary, but we’ve put together seven playground safety tips to reduce the chances of bumps, bruises, cuts, and even broken bones.  

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breast cancer awareness

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you haven’t already seen an increase in the amount of pink you see each day, you will soon. Since the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month was founded in 1985, there’s been a definite rise in the public awareness of breast cancer.

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