how much does it cost to tow a car

10 things tow truck drivers want their customers to know

Tow truck drivers have a tough time – not just because of the dangers of assisting others, but because of the lack of widespread knowledge about their trade. Therefore, we took to Reddit to ask the towing community what they want customers to know. We’ve gathered 10 of the most important tips that tow truck drivers want customers to know for their tow to go speedily, safely, and smoothly.

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Understanding the CSA in trucking

If you’re a trucking business, you know that there are a lot of regulations you need to follow – and a lot of organizations and programs you need to know about. Safety is a big deal, and there are many oversights and organizations that oversee safety for motor carriers and commercial vehicles. If you feel that all of this is overwhelming, don’t worry – you’re not alone. One organization that you might be wondering about is the CSA. We’re put together a few frequently asked questions about the CSA to help break it down.

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Used car lot risks

Managing the risks of having a used car lot

If you have a used car lot, there’s a lot going on during the day. You’ve got vehicles, you’ve got customers, you’ve got employees, maybe you’ve even got a repair shop or facility. In short, there’s a lot of moving parts (no pun intended). So, you might be wondering how you can protect your business. How can you mitigate the risks of having a used car lot? Here are a few tips for managing your risks.

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Setting up a Google My Business page

How to set up your Google My business page

One of the easiest ways to market your business and ensure that your potential clients find their way to the right place is to set up a Google My Business Page. Of course, Google makes it super easy to set up these types of things. But there are a ton of features that could help your business stand out that you may not know about. We’ll take you step by step through the process so that you can get the most out of your Google My Business Page.

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Tools to help with a tow

2 tools to help with hooking up a car for a tow

As a tow truck operator, you’ve seen a lot of cars and sticky situations. But sometimes, there’s a driver with a car model that you’re not too familiar with. You don’t want to risk damaging the car, but you also don’t want to leave a customer out to dry. Luckily, there’s an app for everything these days, including ones to help you tow any car the right way. Here are some towing resources that offer a quick guide on where to hook a car.

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8 FAQs about the FMCSA Clearinghouse

Truckers are expected to adhere to a lot of regulations. One of the big “breaking news” events in the trucking world as far as regulations are concerned is the Clearinghouse. There’s a lot about the Clearinghouse that you have to know, and it’s totally understandable if you have a bunch of questions. We’ll go over a few common FAQs about the new Clearinghouse.

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What you need to know about ELDs

8 things you need to know about ELDs

Truckers are subject to many rules, and one of the latest regulations to make a buzz in the trucking world is ELDs. The ELD rule is a big deal, and though it’s been in effect for a while now you might still have some questions about it. What is the rule? Does it affect you? And, well, what exactly is an ELD? We’ve put together some of the “need-to-know” information about ELDs.

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What to do if you get an FMCSA warning letter

What to do if you get a warning letter from the FMCSA

The FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) is tasked with keeping the roads safe, and they regulate motor carriers and commercial vehicles. Since they’re focused on upholding safety standards, they’re able to intervene if those standards aren’t being met. There are different ways that they can intervene, but one intervention method is a warning letter. If you’ve received an FMCSA warning letter, your first instinct might be to panic. But – what exactly are you supposed to do about it? What does it mean? We’ll explain what you need to know about that warning letter and other types of intervention.

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Prevent truck theft

8 tips to prevent truck theft

So, everyone wants to think that their truck is safe and sound. It’s a truck – who would steal a truck? Well, a lot of people. Truck theft is more common than one might want to think. But the thing is that you depend on your truck for your work, and it would be a real problem if someone stole it. There are a few steps that you can take to reduce the chance of your truck being stolen.

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What are the trucking BASICs?

What are the trucking BASICs and why are they important?

When you work in trucking, you’re subject to many, many regulations. The goal of these regulations is to keep the roads safe for all drivers – CMV drivers and passenger cars alike. That’s the reason that the SMS (Safety Measurement System) exists. It’s a way for the FMCSA to keep track of a motor carrier’s safety record. How do they do this? They use data from different sources and organize it into seven different categories, called BASICs. We’ll go into more detail.

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