If you’re like a lot of people, you’ll take any opportunity to save on car insurance. Which is perfectly sensible – car insurance can be pricey! Any opportunity to save money on your auto insurance is definitely worth considering. Since choosing the cheapest car insurance might not be the best way to go and you might want to get higher than the state minimum levels of car insurance, your bill might be higher than you’d like. The good news is that there are lots of car insurance discounts you can consider to help you along with that quest. One such discount is the multi-car discount. We’ll explain what that is and when you can get it.
Auto Insurance
If you need cheaper auto insurance, then we can help get you multiple quotes to save you money. We believe in finding you the coverage you need for the lowest possible rate. We want to help you make sure that you’re protected from anything that comes your way. Driving and cars shouldn’t be taken lightly, which is why we want to help you make sure you’ve got the coverage you need.
We know how dangerous it is out on the roads and we can help you to protect yourself and your vehicle with a car insurance policy. There are lots of different auto policies out there, but we can help you find the one that’s right for you. With an auto insurance policy that’s customized to you and your insurance needs, you can breathe a bit easier when you hit the road. Contact us today and let us know how we can help you with your auto insurance!
10 things you need to know about car insurance
When it comes to handling anything car insurance related, you might be tempted to back away slowly with no sudden movements – car insurance follows the same logic as snakes, right? It’s an understandable reaction. Auto insurance can get, well, complicated, and there are plenty of things to remember. We’ll go over ten things that you need to know about car insurance – without making it complicated.
What happens if my garage burns down with my car in it?
When a fire breaks out, it’s not exactly going to ask where it should go or what it should and should not eat. But what if your car is in your garage when the fire starts and it consumes your beloved, four-wheeled friend? How does that work? Would your home insurance cover it? We’ll explain what coverage you need to make sure that your car is covered in the event that a house fire destroys it.
7 pro tips for getting car insurance coverage
If you’re getting car insurance, you’re probably wondering what the best way to go about that is. What do you need to know about car insurance? What are some of the tips and tricks you need to know? Auto insurance might seem like a complicated thing, so to help you when you’re getting car insurance we’ve put together seven tips to keep in mind when you’re on a quest for a car insurance policy. (Don’t worry – we’re going to break it down into bite-sized pieces.)
South Carolina could pass a distracted driving bill
Last year, Georgia became the sixteenth state to pass a hands-free driving law, meaning that driver cannot be holding a cell-phone or another electronic device while operating a vehicle. South Carolina is in the process of following suit with a distracted driving bill of its own.
6 factors to look for when choosing a safe car
When you’re shopping for a new car, you’ll probably want all of the new bells and whistles that you can find. A lot of the time, this will include the latest and greatest safety features – things like side and rear airbags, rearview cameras, and even auto-braking features with proximity sensors. But how do you choose a safe car that fits you? And how can it save you money on your car insurance? Learn more about these 6 factors to look for when choosing a safe car.
14 car insurance discounts to consider
Whether you’ve just bought a new car or you’re looking to change up your auto insurance plan, it can be tough to know exactly how to keep your rates down. There are actually tons of discounts for car insurance policies that either no one knows about or that no one asks about. That changes today! Here are 14 car insurance discounts you want to be sure to ask your agent about.
What is uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage?
Okay, so you know that in theory everyone on the road is supposed to have car insurance as required by the state you live in. Which means that, in theory, every driver on the road should be able to compensate you if they cause an accident that harms your car – and, more importantly, you. But what happens if you’re in a car accident where the other driver is at fault … and they don’t have enough insurance (or, well, any insurance) to pay for your medical bills? That’s where uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage (a.k.a. UM/UIM coverage) can help you. We’ll explain what it is and why you might want to consider it.
6 car insurance coverages explained
If you’re getting car insurance, you might be a little overwhelmed by all the choices you have to make. Sure, you might just want the entire ordeal to be over with. You might be tempted to be haphazard about choosing your coverages. But it’s important to know how each of these coverages protects you (believe it or not, these coverages are more than just money flying out of your wallet.) Here are 6 car insurance coverages explained in simple, bite-sized pieces.
Car insurance: The difference between being canceled and nonrenewed
Okay, so you’re in a bit of a pickle. You just found out that your car insurance company…is no longer going to be your car insurance company. Maybe you’ve been nonrenewed or maybe you’ve been canceled. Either way, the bottom line is that you soon will be without insurance. But are nonrenewal and cancelation the same thing? Not exactly. We’ll explain why these two pickles are different and how you can react to each.