17% of Parents Have Purchased Life Insurance Since the Pandemic

The pandemic has caused several new challenges for parents. This explains why many families in 2020 invested in stocks for financial preparedness.

In fact, more than 17 percent of parents bought life insurance coverage for their spouse and families, according to a recent survey by Policy genius. The primary reason is that life insurance can guarantee that beneficiaries such as spouses, parents, and most importantly, children will remain financially secure in the event that something happens to you.

If you’re worried about the cost, know that it’s affordable and provides much-needed financial security to your family. Continue reading to find out why purchasing life insurance is worth it and how you can get an affordable policy.

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Things to Know If Involved in a Boating Accident

If you’ve never been in a boating accident, consider yourself lucky. Imagine the stress of a road accident, and combine it with the unfamiliarity and complexity of being on the water. Even if you’re lucky enough that no one gets hurt in the collision, you might still have to pay for expensive repairs. Whether you get hurt or end up damaging your boat, you should know your legal rights.

Here we’ve enlisted some basic things you must know to minimize the risks. We will also discuss how to navigate an insurance and negligence claim in these situations.

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It's important to protect your shop with retail store insurance.

What Insurance Do I Need for a Retail Store?

Your creative prowess has finally bloomed into a full-blown business venture with a store location to match! While this is definitely an exciting new chapter in your life, there are many other responsibilities associated with your retail location besides a standard business license…like retail store insurance.

Your hard work, merchandise, employees, and every new customer must be protected by the proper retail insurance policies. However, with all the commercial insurance coverages available, it can be overwhelming to determine what type of coverage is best for your unique business.  We’re here to help you crack the code on retail store insurance – what it covers, what it doesn’t, and how much you might need to support your business.

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What Does a Typical Homeowners Insurance Policy Cover?

Your home is probably one of the largest investments you’ll make in your life. Homeownership comes with many benefits, not to mention the pride of owning your own house. However, there are some more complicated aspects of being a homeowner. One of those things is buying home insurance. You might be wondering what exactly homeowners insurance covers and how it protects your home. We’ll go over five different areas that a homeowners insurance policy covers and explain how it protects your home.

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Should I Get Life Insurance for My Child?

You’ve surely heard of life insurance coverage for adults. But have you also heard of life insurance for children?

Unfortunately, children are just as susceptible to medical emergencies and fatal accidents. In this case, a life insurance policy for them goes a long way in securing coverage in times of need. You will be surprised to hear that on average one out of five parents will take out a life insurance policy for their precious young ones.

Children are the most precious blessings of life undoubtedly. You strive to give them the best life and a life insurance policy will keep your mind at ease.

It’s important to note that these policies primarily exist for covering untimely death, the funeral, and burial costs. While it may be a painful truth to accept, the fact remains that tragedies can strike at any time.

If you’ve been wondering if it is a good idea for you to opt for life insurance for your child then you should consider certain factors.

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Consider your car insurance this National Insurance Awareness Day.

What Do I Do if I Can’t Get Car Insurance?

Getting auto insurance is perhaps easier said than done. You might be trying to get car insurance but you keep running into speed bumps along the way. So, after all the dead ends, this is the question on your mind: What do I do if I can’t get car insurance? You need car insurance to be able to drive your vehicle, but you might be at a loss on how to actually get it.

Well, we’ve got some good news for you.

We’ll explain why you might be having issues locating a good car insurance policy and where you can go to get affordable rates.

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call your insurance agent to see if you can get insurance discounts

15 Common Homeowner’s Insurance Discounts to Ask Your Agent About

Being a homeowner can be hard work. There’s a lot to think about – what color to paint the walls, how to arrange the furniture in the family room, what kind of light fixtures to put in the hallways…and then, of course, there’s home insurance. If you’re going through the process of buying home insurance, you might be holding your breath and bracing yourself for the cost.

But we’ve got good news: you can save money on your home insurance.

There are these magical things called discounts that can knock the price of your homeowner’s insurance down. We’re going to explain about 15 home insurance discounts to ask about.

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The Rise in Construction Material Costs Can Impact Your Insurance Claims

The increasing prices of construction materials have become a threat to many policyholders. Even though soaring prices are well-documented, it is essential to watch out for the trend and its possible implications.

As per the Associated Builders and Contractors analysis, the latest costs of materials has increased by 73 percent since 2020. This change in costs has increased the price of single-family houses by $36,000. In fact, the recent reports indicate that these prices have hit $1,500 per thousand for the first time in the housing market’s history.

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rental properties

Why You Need Rental Property Insurance if You’re a Landlord

Protecting yourself financially must be your first priority if you’re a property owner or a landlord. We say this because incidents causing financial loss to you or your property are very common. According to a survey, about one in twenty homes with insurance has a claim every year. In fact, the Insurance Information Institute found that the average damage claim added up to $13,687 during the last four years. This financial loss can be even bigger if you own multi-family buildings.

Let us delve into the details to understand why you need rental property insurance

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