flatbed drivers

Loading Safety Tips for Flatbed Drivers

All drivers should be properly trained to handle each kind of vehicle they drive; however, flatbed truck drivers have special safety concerns because of the open nature of the vehicle. Because flatbed trucks tend to carry larger, more irregularly shaped commodities and because there is little protection keeping the load stable, you should be placing extra emphasis on making sure flatbed loads are tied down and secure.

In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of load securement as well as some helpful tips for flatbed truck drivers.

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hot shot insurance

A Guide to Hot Shot Insurance Coverage

A hot shot truck is used to transport items that are too large to fit in a conventional semi truck. Animals, farming equipment, construction materials, and automobiles are examples of such items. Traditionally, this freight is transported over short distances and for individual clients.

If you wish to work in the hot shot transport industry, you’ve reached the right place! This article will go over the basics of hot shot insurance coverage. Let’s get started!

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Truck Insurance Filings

What to Know about Truck Insurance Filings

If you’re in the transportation business then you need to adhere to federal and state insurance requirements. The Surface Transportation Board and the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration are federal agencies that regulate and oversee interstate commerce. The purpose of these agencies is to prevent commercial motor vehicle crashes by enforcing safety regulations, improving information systems, and targeting high-risk drivers.

As I’m sure you know, truck-related crashes are occurring pretty frequently and they’re costing insurance carriers millions a year. This is the reason truck insurance rates have been rising astronomically over the past several decades. So, despite this, adequate insurance coverage is needed to protect your drivers, your business, and the general public.

In this article, we’ll discuss the requirements for state and federal insurance filings. Let’s get started!

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Straight Trucks and Semi Trucks

Key Differences between Straight Trucks and Semi Trucks

Are you looking to start your own hauling business or fleet? If so, you may be wondering which truck type is perfect for you. Every truck has its advantages and disadvantages, and it’s up to you to decide which type makes the most sense for your business. In fact, the most popular configurations tend to be straight trucks and semi trucks.

You may be wondering, how do they differ? Well, in this article, we’ll analyze both trucks’ cargo capacity, maintenance costs, profit margins, and repair costs. Let’s get started.

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Reducing Workers Compensation Costs

Reducing Workers Compensation Costs at Your Trucking Business

Is your transportation business burdened by rising workers compensation costs? If so, you’re not alone. Others in the industry have attempted to reduce insurance costs and spending by controlling internal activities, but we have a different approach. Our five-step plan helps you establish a safety program that is both compliant with OSHA standards and designed to stimulate continuous improvement, helping you spend fewer workers comp dollars through a holistic approach that protects your bottom line.

So, without further ado, here are

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Commercial Auto Insurance Rates

4 Major Factors That Influence Commercial Auto Insurance Rates

Commercial auto insurance has a wide range of exposures, and several industry changes, as well as the severity and frequency of claims, have had a major impact on insurance carriers. In fact, many are struggling to maintain profitability in the commercial auto insurance market. As a direct result, they’re passing this burden onto their policyholders.

Even when hiring safe drivers and having a clean loss record, it’s not unusual for businesses to see year-over-year rate increases. Nevertheless, claims history is only one component, and several high-level trends impact commercial auto insurance rates.

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Operation Safe Driver Week

What to Know About Operation Safe Driver Week

Operation Safe Driver Week is almost here, and it’s coming in “fast”. See the emphasis on “fast”? The focus of this year’s Operation Safe Driver Week is speeding and risky driving behaviors. While the theme for this year’s event is the same as last years, you must realize it’s a recurring problem.

This campaign serves as a safe-driving outreach initiative and awareness program aimed at improving the driving behavior of commercial motor vehicles. This year’s event takes place from July 10th through the 16th. Mark your calendars!

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distracted driving

Ways to Stop Distracted Driving

Distracted driving has always been a safety concern in some form or another. However, the widespread increase in cellphone use over the past decade has put an increased focus on the hazard of distracted drivers. It is universally recognized that using hand-held mobile devices while driving greatly increases the risk of an accident. In fact, studies have shown that texting while driving is as dangerous as drunk driving.

When you are distracted behind the wheel, you not only put yourself in danger but also endanger the lives of those sharing the road with you. As a commercial driver’s license (CDL) holder, you have certain responsibilities that regular license holders do not have. While any distraction behind the wheel is a potential hazard, some distractions are illegal.

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retain commercial drivers

How to Attract and Retain Commercial Drivers

Commercial fleets need to maintain a workforce of loyal, qualified drivers to succeed. But recently, increased demand for freight volume has highlighted an ongoing driver shortage that’s left many motor carriers operating under capacity. To attract and retain talented drivers to your business, you need to evaluate how the shortage may be affecting you and the steps you can take to make your workplace appealing.

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occupational accident coverage

Occupational Accident Coverage Can Protect Your Trucking Company

Trucking is a dangerous industry, with a high occurrence of injury and death due to the long hours and inclement conditions truck drivers must endure. You know that it is important to protect your employee drivers with workers’ compensation, but are you offering equivalent protection to your independently contracted drivers?

Protect your independent contractors, their families, and your trucking business by offering them occupational accident insurance coverage.

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