Something about cell phones is too tempting to ignore. Though we know that we shouldn’t text and drive, somehow it happens anyway – and often with disastrous consequences. According to the National Highway Transportation Administration, 391,000 were injured and over 3,400 were killed in distracted driving accidents in 2015. The CDC reports that every day in the United States about nine people are killed and 1000 are injured in crashes that involve a distracted driver. As a tow truck operator, you and your drivers spend hours on the road, and it’s essential that your full attention is on the task at hand. We’ll take a look at why texting and driving is so deadly for tow truck drivers.
If your business is a part of the transportation industry, you know how hard it can be to get the right insurance to protect you. There are plenty of risks that you face every day on the road. When you send out your trucks you need to know that they’re protected with the right insurance coverage. Here at InsuranceHub, we specialize in transportation insurance. We’ll help you manage your risks and customize an insurance plan that fulfills all of your company’s needs.
We’ve dedicated a section of our blog to transportation-related articles to help you protect everything you’ve worked so hard to build. Feel free to click through and read at your leisure. We enjoy passing along insurance information and safety tips that will help transportation companies just like yours be prepared. Armed with knowledge and a great insurance plan, you’ll be able to hit the road with confidence.
Should I file a tow truck insurance claim for my business?
There’s this thing called Murphy’s Law that states that anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Perhaps it seems a tad pessimistic, but as a tow truck driver, you may be inclined to believe it. You’ve seen plenty of strange, unlucky, and crazy situations out there on the road. But what if Murphy’s Law hits your business? What if something happens to one of your tow trucks – say, a cracked windshield or a smooshed front bumper? You might immediately think to file a claim on your tow truck insurance. It was invented for Murphy’s Law, after all. But you may want to pull out a calculator and do some numbers before you do. Claims have an influence on how much tow truck insurance costs. We’ll explain why.
How to improve safety at your tow truck business (and save on insurance)
Towing cars isn’t always an easy job. There’s a lot of responsibility associated with transporting someone else’s car, and so safety is absolutely paramount for tow truck companies. You might have a good record for your business with few accidents, tickets, or losses, but it’s still important to do everything you can to establish high safety standards for your company (and besides, it can help you save money on your tow truck insurance rates.) That being said, here are a few ways you can boost safety at your tow truck business.
How to get cheap tow truck insurance for your business
You might have heard that tow truck insurance rates are on the rise. Many tow truck insurance carriers have backed away from covering tow truck businesses because they think they’re too risky. That has led to many tow truck businesses getting their insurance nonrenewed, while others have seen huge rate increases. As a result, you may be wanting to save money on your tow truck insurance rates by getting cheap tow truck insurance. We’ve got some tips to help you save some money on your rates.
Why are my tow truck insurance rates going up so much?
If you work in the tow truck industry, you’ve probably noticed a few changes when it comes to insurance – namely, the cost of your tow truck insurance premium rocketing upwards. As if tow truck insurance wasn’t pricey enough, it’s only gotten worse. The jump in rates has been enough to make more than a few tow truck companies close their doors.
But why is this happening, and why now? Why does it seem like your insurance company is charging you a crazy rate when just last year things were reasonable? There are several reasons for the chaos that is the tow truck insurance industry, and we’ll try to make sense of the changes that have been affecting towing companies around the nation.
What are the main risks for my tow truck business?
There are lots of potential risks that people who work with tow trucks face every day. Risks, or exposures, are why people get tow truck insurance in the first place—so that they’re protected from whatever life might throw at them.
As someone who works in the tow truck industry, it’s important that you understand what you’re up against. There are several types of risks that your business faces every day, so we’ve outlined the kinds of exposures that you need to be aware of when thinking about getting your insurance coverage. The exposures and risks depend on what kind of tow truck business you have (mainly whether you’re strictly towing or you have a body shop), but these are the main ones to think about.
What affects my tow truck insurance premium?
No two businesses are the same. This is especially true when it comes to tow trucks. Your business, whether it’s a tow-truck company or an auto shop, has its own fingerprint, and this fingerprint plays a large part in deciding what kind of insurance you need. And once you find the right coverage for you, there are lots of different factors that go into determining the cost of your insurance premium.
To take some of the mystery out of your insurance rates, here are some details about your business that will impact your premium:
What Kind of Insurance Do I Need for a Tow Truck?
Cars break down—it’s a known fact and one of the fundamental truths of Murphy’s law (anything that can go wrong, will go wrong). When things go wrong with a car, who ya gonna call? A tow truck, of course. Whether it’s a collision or a breakdown, tow trucks are an essential part of making an extremely stressful day less stressful. If your business offers tow truck services, your trucks have been tasked with the important job of rescuing stranded cars and getting them to the shop safely.
But who’s protecting your trucks and drivers while they’re doing that? That’s where InsuranceHub can help with tow truck coverage.