10 simple tips for trampoline safety at home

Trampolines can provide hours of entertainment. Kids love them and could probably bounce all day if you let them. For some reason, jumping up and down never gets old. But trampolines aren’t necessarily the safest activity for kids. In fact, the risk of injury (strains, sprains, broken bones, fractures, and head injuries) is so great that the American Academy of Pediatrics advises against allowing youngsters to bounce on trampolines. But if you have a trampoline or you’re going to get one, there are a few trampoline safety tips you should follow to reduce the risk of someone getting hurt.

Trampoline safety tips.

1. Supervise all trampoline-goers.

It’s super important to supervise anyone using the trampoline to make sure all trampoline-jumpers are using it safely.

2. Only allow one person on the trampoline at a time.

Yes, the kids might think it’s fun to pile onto the trampoline and bounce together, but many injuries occur when there’s more than one person jumping on the trampoline at once. People tend to crash into each other when there’s more than one person on a trampoline. So – one person at a time is a fundamental trampoline safety rule.

3. Don’t allow kids under the age of six to bounce.

If a kid under the age of five or six jumps, they’re at a really high risk of being hurt because they’re light. Light, small children can be turned into projectiles on a trampoline. And when more than one person bounces, it’s usually the smaller person that gets hurt more severely if there’s a crash.

Kids’ bones are not fully grown and are still developing, which puts them at a great risk of injury. Their tiny fragile bones can’t take the strain of the repetitive bouncing – it’s hard on a growing child’s body.

4. Don’t allow kids to do their own stunts.

Yes, your kiddo might fancy themselves the next Olympic gymnast, but one of your trampoline safety rules should be no flips, somersaults, or other tricks. It’s all-too-easy for your kid to land wrong as they’re trying to flip, and they could hurt their wrists, arms, neck, or head. Oh, and don’t use the trampoline as a springboard to jump onto other things. Remember – no funny business.

5. Don’t leave the trampoline ladder up.

Trampolines are what’s called an “attractive nuisance” because they’re dangerous but very irresistible. Swimming pools are another example. Anyways, trampolines are very enticing, and if a child happens to find it, they might investigate. If the ladder is still set up, that child can easily climb up, start jumping, and then fall and hurt themselves. If you haven’t taken steps to secure the trampoline properly, you could be found liable.

Anyways, make sure you don’t leave the ladder or a chair near the trampoline.

If you have a trampoline, you need to have some trampoline safety rules.

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Pro tip: Check with your insurance company before getting a trampoline to see how a trampoline could affect your home insurance. The same applies if you’re getting a swimming pool.

6. Have a safety net.

It’s important to have proper safety netting around your trampoline. This will catch anyone who might accidentally go springboarding towards the edge.

7. Cover all hooks, springs, and metal framework with safety padding.

Little fingers can get hurt if they get trapped in the trampoline’s springs. And what if someone falls and gets hurt when they hit the springs or hooks? Avoid “ouch” moments with proper trampoline padding around the edges.

8. Choose the location carefully.

You need to set the trampoline up on solid, flat ground to help all bouncers keep their balance. Don’t underestimate gravity – if the trampoline is tilted, someone could crash. You also need to make sure the area around the trampoline is clear of trees and other objects that could get in the way of jumping.

9. Don’t use the trampoline when it’s wet.

If the trampoline has water on it, it’s probably very slippery. Wait for the trampoline to dry out before letting anyone go for a jump.

10. Check the trampoline for problems before every use.

Check over the trampoline before every use. The springs should be secure, and there should be no tears or holes in the padding or mat of the trampoline. Make sure that the trampoline is in good shape before you allow anyone to use it.

Trampolines are fun, but they can also be dangerous. If you have a trampoline or you’re planning on getting one, make trampoline safety a priority. Take care to supervise all trampoline-users, only allow one jumper at a time, and make sure to have the proper padding and netting.

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