Atlanta apartment security systems tips

If you are looking for a security system for your apartment or rented home, then listen closely. You already now the importance of having a monitored burglar alarm. Thieves will literally pass by your place to find an easier apartment to break into.

Plus, with a security system, you’re eligible for a discount on your renters insurance policy!

How do you choose a security system for your rented apartment or home?

The answer isn’t as simple as you would think. Renters actually find it difficult to find a security company that is willing to work with them. Perhaps you have found that already when you heard someone say, “We don’t do apartment renters.”

But you might be wondering why….

When we researched this topic, we found a few concerns that burglar alarm companies had about renters in general. The good news though is there are options for renters to get security systems in Atlanta.

Why are Atlanta security contractors afraid of renters?

  • They tend to be more transient than homeowners. This means that security system providers that offer free equipment report that many renters move out without fulfilling their 3 year contract. This means that the security system provider gets penalized with a bill up to a $1,000 for installing a system for a renter that moves away without telling them.
  • This means that security companies will not install free security systems for renters unless there is an existing system they can take over.
  • Or, they require a renter to purchase security equipment up front so it doesn’t matter if they move or not.

Takeaway points:

  • Do you have an existing security system in your apartment or rented house?
  • You can have any local security company monitor your existing system. All they will need to do is to install a new mother board into your existing system. Prices for this may vary so call around for the best prices.
  • Are you willing to invest in a new system by purchasing the equipment up front? Expect to pay anywhere between $700 and $1,000. The advantage of this is that you don’t have to sign a long term agreement. Plus, you can get monitoring for under $20 a month.

atlanta apartment security system

What if you are strapped for cash and want an apartment security system for no money down?

Thankfully there are some options for you. We invited Trey Burdette of Smarthome Solutions to help answer a few questions for our renters.

What 3 things should an apartment or home renter know BEFORE choosing a security system?

  1. Buy a system that offers a “movers policy.” This means if you move they will move your security system for you for free.
  2. The better your credit score is the less you have to pay upfront.
  3. Finally, pick a system that has an Equipment Warranty Policy. It works like a warranty on your TV set. This means that if something goes wrong with your alarm system you are protected.

What common mistakes do renters make when they try a DIY burglar alarm for themselves?

The answer is: they are doing it themselves…

Typically it is important to make sure the equipment is installed as it is supposed to be and where to install it in order to be the most effective. (i.e. Do you know the best place to put motion detector or glass break detectors?)

What 3 tips can you give renter about making their apartment / home safer?

  1. Display yard sign and use window stickers
  2. Keep your lights on using a timer
  3. Make sure you don’t let newspapers pile up.

Any nice stories or case studies to share?

Fire protection is imperative. You can easily convert your burglar alarm into a monitored fire alarm system.

I had a customer in Florida write and thank me profusely for pushing monitored smoke detectors. Within 30 days, he woke up in the middle of the night to the alarm and a cloud of smoke. He blacked out and next thing he remembered was being given treatment by EMT by the fire truck. His family was saved.

My advice get a monitored smoke detector that calls the fire department.

What can you tell us about your business that would make someone want to use you for their security system?

  1. We offer a “no false alarm guarantee”
  2. We offer free installation
  3. If you have good, bad or no credit I can get you the same offer.
  4. Free move if you move and a $1500 equipment credit or you can do month to month.
  5. We literally offer every way you can get security including DIY.

Any SPECIALS to let them know about?

We are giving away one free camera in conjunction with everything else we offer everyday. We also have the Skybell door lock which we offer with 7 window sensors and a camera, all doors contacted, touchscreen panel all at no upfront cost for a very limited time. Call to see if these offers are still available.

Trey Burdette /Cell: (678) 886-3313 /

This article is for informational purposes only. InsuranceHub doesn’t endorse any security system providers.

Burglar alarm systems are a necessity now a days, aren’t they? Thankfully if you live in the greater Atlanta area there are options available to you. You can protect your rented home or apartment, family and belongings with an affordable burglar alarm system. Once you are protected, call your InsuranceHub agent to make sure that you get a discount for having a monitored alarm system for your apartment in Atlanta.