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Get the insurance you need for your self-storage business.

If you run a self-storage warehouse, you face a variety of risks. There’s the liability that comes along with being the entity that runs the business, and you’ve also got the property and building itself to think about. What if one of your customers trips and breaks an arm while they’re getting items out of their unit? What if there’s a huge fire that burns your warehouse to the ground? That’s why it’s so important to get the mini-storage facility insurance that you need to protect yourself.

We can help you get the self-storage business insurance that you need. Our team can get quotes for your self-storage facility insurance rates so you can compare coverages and pricing and know that you’re protected from the risks you face. Disaster can strike any time, but with insurance that will truly be there for you, you’ll be able to get back to business after a loss. You can get started with quotes for insurance for your self-storage facility by filling out our online quote form or giving us a call today.

Your mini-storage facility insurance plan might include the following…

These are some of the common coverages for self-storage businesses.

  • General liability
  • Property
  • Warehouse legal liability insurance
  • Umbrella

Warehouse legal liability insurance:

Warehouse legal liability insurance can protect you if your negligence or lack of care causes a loss to someone’s property that they’re storing in your facility. Legally you could be held liable for the loss. Since people are storing their belongings in your facility, you’ve got a lot of “stuff” to worry about. You could have a big problem on your hands if someone alleges that your negligence caused a loss.


You fail to arm your alarm system one night. Thieves enterprise on the oversight and take the opportunity to break into your storage facility and steal a lot of your customers’ belongings. You could be held legally liable.

General liability:

General liability insurance can protect you if someone sues you for property damage or bodily injury. There are a lot of people coming and going from your facility to retrieve or store their belongings in their unit, and if someone were to get hurt on your property they could sue. However, general liability can help you cover legal expenses and court-ordered judgments.   


One of your customers is heading to their unit to get something. On the way there, they take a nasty fall and break their wrist. They decide to sue. General liability could help you out.


Your storage facility represents a big investment. Property insurance can help you if you ever face a loss like a fire, vandalism, or lightning strike. It’ll help you get your building back so that you can keep running your business. You’ve got a lot of building to protect since you operate a warehouse, so you need to make sure you have the right property insurance. Fire hazards can be a major concern – even though you might have rules against storing flammables and other hazardous materials, you might not know about any violations of the rules until it’s too late.


A fire starts in your self-storage facility and burns the building down to the ground.

Umbrella insurance:

Umbrella insurance is basically extra liability insurance for your business. While general liability provides very valuable protection and coverage for your business, if you ever have a really big liability claim – one that goes over the limits of your underlying liability policy – you could be in a sticky situation. You’d run out of insurance. But umbrella insurance takes over where your underlying policy ends and covers the rest of the claim.


You have a $1 million umbrella policy. Your general liability policy has a limit of $1 million. You have a $1.5 million claim. The general liability policy will pay out its $1 million, and then your umbrella would kick in and pay out the remaining $500,000.

Other self-storage facility coverages you can consider:

Get quotes for mini-storage facility insurance.

Maybe you’re dreading getting insurance because you’re worried it’s going to be stressful, overwhelming, and complicated. We’re here to make sure that the insurance process is none of those things. Our agents are professionals at making insurance easy, and we can break down the coverages you need. And getting started with self-storage facility insurance quotes is as simple as a few clicks – you can fill out our online quote form. Or, if quote forms aren’t your thing, you can give us a call today.